We Invite You To the Wedding Of
Love is contagious, unfortunately so is covid..
with our sincere apologies, We are not able to physically invite you to celebrate our special day.
Alternatively, we would like to invite you to celebrate with us from the comfort of your own home
Mr. Yohanes Arifin ( Yung Kwee Pin)
Mrs. Henny Wijaya ( Tan Kim Cie )
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Due to this current pandemic situation, we cannot invite you physically to our wedding.
With all due respect, we invite you into our holy matrimony virtually.
Dalam situasi pandemi seperti ini, kami tidak dapat mengundang secara langsung.
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, kami mengharapkan Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk menghadiri acara pernikahan kami secara virtual.
For your attendance and blessing, we are honored.
David & Jessy
11.00 - Selesai
Silahkan menonton melalui YouTube Live mempelai untuk menyaksikan serangkaian acara pernikahan secara Live.
David & Jessy